2005. Cultural Moves: Culture, Identity and the Politics of Representation. University of California Press.
2004. Watching Race, Television and the Sign of Blackness. 2nd edition. University of Minnesota Press.
Edited Books
2019. Racism Postrace. Duke Press. Co-edited with Roopali Mukherjee and Sarah Banet-Weiser.
2014. The Sage Handbook of Television Studies. Sage Publications. Co-edited with M. Alvarado, M. Buonanno, and T. Miller. JURIED
2010. Towards A Sociology of the Trace. University of Minnesota Press. Co-edited with M. Gomez-Barris.
Chapters in Books
2010. “John Coltrane and the Practice of Freedom,” in John Coltrane and Black American’s Quest For Freedom, Spirituality and the Music. Oxford University Press.
2009. “Critical Comment: Tongues Untied,” in Bent Light: A History of the Avante Garde Moving Image in the bay Area, 1945-2000. Edited by S. Anker, K. Gertiz, and S. Seid. University of Berkeley Press. INVITED.
2006. “Katrina: Where the Natural and the Social Meet,” in Hurricane Katrina: Response and Responsibilities. Santa Cruz, New Pacific Press.
Journal Articles
2013. “Race, Media, and the Cultivation of Concern.” Communication and Critical/Cultural
Studies. INVITED
2013. “Subject(ed) to Recognition.” American Quarterly. JURIED
2012. “Recovered, Reinvented, Re-imagined: Treme, Television Studies and Writing About New
Orleans.” Television and New Media. PEER REVIEWED/INVITED